Metal Clay Videos

Julia Rai has created a number of free metal clay videos which are listed here. 

If there is anything specific you’d like Julia to include in this section, use the contact page to ask her about it. 

Some Sunny Day by Julia Rai

This video is a free screencast from the Craftcast free webinar called “Fun at One.” It was put together to bring a bit of learning and laughter. This week, master Metal Clay Artist, Julia Rai, shared some fun metal clay projects and inspiration! And you will hear all about AMCAW, a wonderful organization. Plus, you’ll love the metal clay project she is sharing.

Julia has a number of online classes on Craftcast which you can buy and watch forever. You can see them on this page.

The Tear Away Technique is a method of creating your own unique textures for use with metal clay, polymer clay or in a rolling mill. This video outlines the method for creating tear away textures and the things you have to ensure you do right in order to make it work.

PMC Flex launched on 22nd September 2014. This clay has now been discountinued by the manufacturer.

Julia Rai conducted some experiments with this clay and these are the initial results.

Here are some more experiments with PMC Flex.