E5 Making Multiples

Submitted to the Registry evaluators - February 2009
The purpose of this project is to see how many pieces of viable jewellery can be made from 30g of metal clay. I decided to make earrings. It was pretty straightforward but I still just scraped through this one. I have to say I didn’t really enjoy it as a project and I think that is reflected in the marks.
Design – 4 out of 5
Craftsmanship – 1.5 out of 2.5
Innovation – 1.5 out of 2.5
Just passed with 7 out of 10. The comments were deserved, “In my opinion this is a safe solution to the challenge. The individual shapes are well-considered but familiar. The delicate patina is an issue for me, but not a big one. My biggest reservation is the earwires, which are too thick.” I’ve cut down on the whole of the feedback, it was about the same. I’m going to be watching with interest how other people approach this project.
Here is the project description from the Masters Registry website:-
E5 Making Multiples
Prove design and technical skills by seeing how many pieces can be made from 30 grams of any version of metal clay. Each piece must be a viable piece of jewelry, not just tiny bits and pieces. This could take the form of earrings, beads, tie tics, or other wearable objects.